umich_sim.wizard package#



umich_sim.wizard.rpc module#

class umich_sim.wizard.rpc.RPC#

Bases: object

The RPC Client wrapper singleton class

get_driver() ClientMode#

Get the current driver

static get_instance()#
get_wheel() float#

get the wheel information

set_driver(driver: ClientMode)#

Set the current driver Inputs:

driver: who is driving

set_wheel(pos: float)#

upload the wheel position to the server Input: pos: position of the racing wheel

umich_sim.wizard.wizard module#

class umich_sim.wizard.wizard.Wizard#

Bases: object

Main Controller of the wizard

static get_instance()#

Handle events registered in the previous loop

is_stopping() bool#

see if the program is stopping

register_event(event_type: ControlEventType, dev: ClientMode, val: int) None#

Register the input event into the event queue Inputs:

event_type: What type of actions is required to take dev: From which device val: Additional data field


Stop the program by setting stopping flag


tick wizard controller

umich_sim.wizard.wizard.onpush(func: Callable) Callable#

Execute the function if the button is pushed, used in event handling

Module contents#

Wizard of Oz module for interfacing with racing wheel